Heron Dance is company for your creative journey. It explores the inner work underlying creative work.
It is an art journal of quotes and reflections by artists, filmmakers, novelists, poets, searchers and seekers.

Heron Dance is the creative home of Roderick MacIver.
For twenty years he created realistic and impressionistic work for the Heron Dance Art Journal.
Now he strives to create abstract works that embody a sense of peace, that bring a sense of peace to a room or home.
Sometimes he succeeds.

The online publication, Journal Meditations of a Working Artist, chronicles that creative evolution.

Osprey Landing Abstract

A recent Heron Dance book
Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery
and an upcoming book
Creativity as a Way of Life.

Example Post: Journal Meditations of a Working Artist
Painting: Seascape

The frontspiece from the book
Nurturing the Song Within

Journal Meditations of a Working Artist
The inner work underlying creative work;
gratitude as a philosophy of life and as a spiritual practice.
(online publication)

Journal Meditations of a Working Artist excerpts the journals of artist Roderick MacIver as his work evolves from impressionistic to abstract. He offers in this online journal the key thoughts that inspire and guide his work. Some are his own, some from other artists that he's interviewed, and from the journals, memoirs, biographies and novels of other creative outsiders.


Online journal
One month free trial.
Members (two to four times a week)


I didn't trust it for a moment
but I drank it anyway
The wine of my own poetry
It gave me the daring
to take hold of the darkness
and tear it into little pieces.
- Lalla Ded,
poetess of 14th century India.

A person’s life purpose is nothing more than to rediscover, through the detours of art, or love, or passionate work, those one or two images in the presence of which his heart first opened.
- Albert Camus

There are many pathways in this life and it doesn't matter which one you take, for they all have a common destination, and that is the grave.  But some paths give you energy and some take it away.
- Cervantes

Some paths, some work, some people give you energy, and some take it away.

. . .

For the website of Rod’s new studio and gallery in Hilton Head, visit here:


My name is Roderick MacIver. I am the founder of Heron Dance. I have been a full-time artist and author for thirty years.

Our lives are a brief spark between two eternities. We live surrounded by incredible natural beauty and mystery. A central message in this work is living with gratitude, and the richness that adds to a life.

Achieving a degree of inner peace through our relationship with our inner world, and the beauty and mystery of wild nature, is a supreme accomplishment in a human life.

For my background, visit here.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

Heron Dance published books, journals and diaries in 2024.
The Nurturing the Song Within Art Journal and the related Diary

Meditations on Beauty and Mystery, A Gratitude Art Journal

The Pausing for Beauty Poetry Journal

Early in 2025, Heron Dance will publish:

Creativity as a Way of Life
. . .

Heron Dance Books published by Heron Dance Press and other publishers can be viewed here.

  • The Heron Dance Book Of Love And Gratitude

  • Meditations on Nature, Meditations On Silence

  • Art As A Way Of Life

  • Thoreau And The Art Of Life

  • The Man Who Planted Trees

  • Wild Waters And The Tao

  • Simplicity Is Profound

  • The Song I Came To Sing

  • Art Is About The Mystery

  • Earth My Likeness, The Nature Poetry Of Walt Whitman

  • Pausing For Beauty, The Heron Dance Poetry Diary

More here.

Reader Reviews

All that matters is what you love
and what you love is who you are . . .
- John Squadra, This Ecstasy

One’s art goes as far and as deep as one’s love goes,
and there is no reason for painting but that.
- Andrew Wyeth

. . . the devotion required to construct such a work is inspirational in itself. A multifaceted and heartfelt exploration of creative life.
- Kirkus Review of Nurturing the Song Within

Nurturing The Song Within Art Journal And Diary / Planner

  • Nurturing The Song Within Art Journal: We have a few copies of the first edition left, and don’t plan to print more. 190 pages of paintings and reflections on the beauty and mystery of wild nature, of life. The book explores the inner work that underlies creative work and creating a life. This is a hardcover book printed by a high quality art book printer on premium paper with Smyth sewn layflat binding — the highest standard in art book printing. Less expensive PDF editions are also available.

  • Nurturing The Song Within Diary Planner: Designed to work with the Art Journal, it provides room for notes, objectives, plans, appointments and an exploration of the underlying current, individual to you, that is guiding you perhaps without your full awareness. It has dates for the second quarter of the year, but these can be ignored and used anytime during the year. Two pages per day including a painting.

More here.

Earlier Heron Dance Books

  • The Heron Dance Book Of Love And Gratitude

  • Meditations on Nature, Meditations On Silence

  • Art As A Way Of Life

  • Thoreau And The Art Of Life

  • The Man Who Planted Trees

  • Wild Waters And The Tao

  • Simplicity Is Profound

  • The Song I Came To Sing

  • Art Is About The Mystery

  • Earth My Likeness, The Nature Poetry Of Walt Whitman

  • Pausing For Beauty, The Heron Dance Poetry Diary

More here.

Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature,
but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson