A Pause For Beauty
One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture,
and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.
- Goethe
. . .
The journey requires a belief in the beauty within.
Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry, and give back.
- Dag Hammarskjöld

It takes courage to offer beauty and love to the world. It takes internal momentum. To build the momentum that you’ll need to persist through indifference and setbacks associated with creating original and unique work; your belief in yourself will need to be nurtured. Your belief in the beauty of your own internal world needs to be nurtured.
A great work, and life, is based on a connection with the creator’s inner world. It grows out of still and musing meditation. It draws from the pre-verbal, the half-understood, the subconscious. There is a wisdom inside each of us that often cannot be put into words but, with practice, can be used to guide and shape our lives and our work. It is that which is holy inside us.
Your reservoir of goodness is in your inner world. You need to relax to access that world. Make time each day to let your mind wander. The time just after you wake up in the morning, the half-awake stage, can be an important point of access. Sitting by a river or lake with your eyes closed can be another.
Let your imagination take you where it wants to go. Write down what bubbles up. Go back and look for patterns.
The two-page spread above is from the book I’m working on:
Sing Us The Song Only You Can Sing (preliminary notes here).
Creating A Life And Doing Creative Work On Your Own Terms
To access a version that is easier to read, you can download a PDF by clicking on the image above or by clicking here.
Travels With Princess Ada Update.
I’m traveling around the South visiting Heron Dance readers.
Heron Dance holiday notecards are now available here.
Thank you to all who supported this work in the recent fundraising/matching appeal. It was successful and encouraging. Thank you in particular to reader Rachael who matched contributions.
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Travels With Princess Ada Update.
I’m traveling around the South visiting Heron Dance readers.
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