A Pause For Beauty
Adventurers’ Perspectives On Beauty
No person who has not spent a period of his life in those ‘stark and sullen solitudes that sentinel the Pole’ will understand fully what trees and flowers, sun-flecked turf and running streams mean to the soul of a man.
- Ernest Shackleton
All the people that are working out there on the fringes, that are living by a sense of values, are like rocks in the river that is the main current of society. The rocks stand up in the stream of the current. The sun comes along. The current rolls over the rock and shoots a mist that catches a rainbow. Each one of us is shooting off a little rainbow, a little prism of magic, of light, of beauty.
There is no other way to change the course of things than people going deep inside themselves. You go deep inside yourself by going into the wilderness. By going into your own wilderness.
- Jennifer Hahn, sea kayak guide. Heron Dance interview.Adventure -- you could put me in the most enclosed space and I could make an adventure out of it. If still have my mind, I still have freedom of thought. You can put a real adventurer anywhere -- you can put them in a little ten foot square solitary confinement prison cell and life will still be magic. Still be adventure. There will still be beauty. Just to sit there and breath and feel the air going in and out. You can do marvelous things with nothing. That is the essence of adventure: To do marvelous things with nothing.
Once you get on that path, you can't get off. Sitting here having a cup of coffee is an adventure. The roots of adventure are always spiritual and related to your soul and your emotions. And to the planet. The actual achievement is meaningless. To walk twenty feet out of town and sit on a river bank and listen to the birds is a real adventure. A small part of the real process.
- Chic Scott, mountain guide, author. Heron Dance interview.Spirituality has had a lot of different meanings at different times in my life. For me, now, spirituality is my relationship with myself, and my relationship with other people and my relationship with the natural world. My relationship with other people and with the natural world is mostly determined by my relationship with myself. I can be in the most awesome place on earth, and if things are not okay within myself, it is not a spiritual experience. And yet, I can be walking along a path that I walk every day, and because I am at ease and at peace with myself, and I am happy and content and satisfied, it can be a very different experience.
In January and February it will be minus 40 degrees and I will go down to the dog yard and hook up a large team. Sixteen, eighteen of our dogs and just take off. Just me. There are times when I just sit there, and I feel that I have this incredible connection with everything around me, including the dogs. There is no other place on earth that I would rather be then, than right there. I am warm, I am content. That is a beauty of working with animals. There is a non-verbal communication between myself and the dogs that just exists. The environment and the world is just unfolding. Whether the sun is just coming up or going down, or coming above a hill. Everything just seems to fit. It doesn't leave me with tears in my eyes, or a feeling of jumping up and down, but just with the feeling, "This is the way it should be." Just such a content feeling. I carry that home when I get back. It is something that is just there. I used to experience that at the end of a day when I would take a canoe out on a mirror calm lake. Those moments in life are so precious. To make them happen you have to put yourself in the right frame of mind in the right environment. And allow yourself to experience it fully. When I carry a lot of extra baggage, whether it is from work or family, or whatever, it doesn't work.- Paul Landry, arctic explorer, resident of Baffin Island. Heron Dance interview.
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A draft of the newest chapter of my upcoming book,
the latest draft of the entire book:
Creating A Life Worth Living:
The Gentle Arts Of Living And Creating On Your Own Terms
There will be many revisions prior to publication, projected for November.