A Pause For Beauty:
An artist’s journal.
Below, the Art Journal posts for the month of March, 2023.
Balance and harmony within unpredictability.
Within the grand adventure.
Its elusiveness is what makes it so engaging.
So worthwhile.
To view this Pause for Beauty (Balance and harmony within unpredictability) including two new paintings, visit here.
Thoughts on a failed painting.
Kevin Kelly: How good was my failure today?
To view this post, including paintings, visit here.
Favorite Work Of Other Artists
Bob Dylan: You gotta serve somebody.
Thoreau: The highest of the arts is to affect the quality of your day.
Billy Holiday: God bless the child that’s got his own..
And my reflections on the above.
And five new paintings/watercolor sketches.
To view this post, including paintings, visit here.
Pogo: We've met the enemy and he is us.
John Steinbeck on self-doubt.
Jon Stewart: Creativity is about limits not freedom.
Barry Moser: A creative life is about persistence not talent.
Walt Whitman on giving it all to the work.
Tom Jay on doing art that honors salmon.
Robert Henri: The end will be whatever it will be.
Robin Laing: On a troubled journey through the landscape of the mind.
And my reflections on the above, on success and failure.
And three new paintings/watercolor sketches.
To view this post, including paintings, visit here.
Thomas Berry on humans enable the universe to contemplate itself. The universe exists due to creative disequilibrium; art emerges out of creative disequilibrium.
Martin Rees, astrophysicist, on the six numbers without which life, and the universe could not exist.
Robert Henri on the magnificent struggle.
Treva and Balbir Mathur, founders of Trees for Life, on sacrifice for the sacred.
And two new paintings/watercolor sketches.
For the next day or two you can view on the Art Journal page here.
• Rabindranath Tagore on the song that remains unsung.
• Robert Henri on the song within that retreats without nurturing.
• Denise Shekerjian on the special music that nobody else can sing but you.
• My reflections on the above, and on my own struggle to honor my song, to make it real.
Today’s new painting is first in a series of increasingly abstract images.
Access this Pause For Beauty here.
The first pages of the Heron Dance Art Journal, The Song Within.
· Ira Progoff: an acorn contains a dream of an oak tree.
· Joseph Campbell on the first step of the journey, over the edge, before you know that you will be supported.
· Verlen Kruger: Happy are they that dream dreams.
· Doug Peacock: It is important not to kneepad around the world.
· Rudyard Kipling: Something hidden. Go and find it.
· Ed Abbey: Benedicto: May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome.
· Jennifer Hahn on do what you fear.
And my journal notes on the above.
And new art.
You can read the entire Art Journal post here.