All arts aspire to the condition of music.

Painting: Lake Abstract II

All arts aspire to the condition of music.
- Walter Pater

Music communicates in ways beyond that which can be expressed in words. As artists we search for a means to communicate what we sense but cannot explain, images glimpsed through a fog of shifting shapes, half-understood, pregnant with unknown meaning.

We search for the thing that is searching for us.

This post from the online publication Journal Meditations of a Working Artist (formerly known as The Journals of Archibald Campbell, Wild Artist) is sent to you as one in a series of five. In part it is offered as a thank you for signing up, and in part to acquaint you with the work of Heron Dance Art Studio.

  • After the series of five is complete, you will receive these posts, as a free subscriber, twice a month.

  • Paid Members (discretionary contribution) receive these two to four times a week. You can become a Member here.

  • You can order print editions of recent Heron Dance books, here.

  • Everything Heron Dance does and offers summarized here.

  • Projects and Random Thoughts: What’s happening behind the scenes at Heron Dance.

Heron Dance Books

There are still a few copies of the first edition of Nurturing the Song Within available. This is a premium art book with a Smyth-sewn lay flat binding printed by on high. quality art paper. It explores the inner work underlying creative work and the creation of a unique life.

Each day two-page spread includes a painting and journal notes on living a creative, meaningful life.

  • Hardcover first edition with dust jacket. $95 including shipping and taxes. Order here.

  • PDF $9.99 including tax. Order here.

  • More information here.

Below, two sample pages from my recent art journal, and the related diary/planner
Nurturing The Song Within

There are a few copies of the first edition (hardcover, dust jacket, premium art paper) still available. After they are sold out, we don’t plan to republish, at least in that format.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery.

Front cover, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.

Two interior pages, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.