A Pause For Beauty

I like snakes and frogs and creepy crawly things.

What is an individual? Just a bit of life shot off from the one Life in the universe -- just a bit of love and truth dropped on this globe, just as the globe itself was once a bit of light and heat dropped from the sun.
                                                          - C.W. Barron

Birdman Of The Great Swamp (new poster, text below)

Inebriate of air – am I – 
And Debauchee of Dew – 
- Emily Dickinson, excerpted from the poem “I taste a liquor never brewed,” from the book
The Poems of Emily Dickinson

We live in a truly marvelous world.  A really, really interesting, diverse, marvelous place to have visited for a short time.  Some get more out of it than others.  Some of us try to get more out of it than others . . . I think you should make a conscientious effort to try.  To be nosy.  To look and to marvel.  And not only to look but to see.  Not only listen but hear on all different levels.  It is indeed a marvelous world.  Part of what makes it marvelous is our own kind.  Part of what makes it incredibly marvelous to me are other than our own kind.  I think it is important biologically to have them, but it's also important for my quality of life.  I would not want to live in a world that had only people in it.  I like snakes and frogs and creepy, crawly things and marvelous birds that can fly two hundred miles an hour and free my spirit . . .

      - Len Soucy, Birdman of the Great Swamp and Cofounder of The Raptor Trust. This text appears on the poster above. If there is sufficient interest, I’ll publish a series of these posters with favorite excerpts from Heron Dance interviews and books.

To read more of my interview of Len, which appeared in the first issue of Heron Dance way back in 1995, visit here.

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The directory of all chapters (early drafts) here:

The Gentle Arts Of Living A Quality Life On Your Own Terms.

There will be many revisions prior to publication, projected for November.

Heron Dance:
Creating A Life Worth Living
(What I’ve Learned)

It starts with gratitude. A Pause For Beauty, our daily e-journal, is an expression of gratitude for the beauty and mystery of life, of wild nature.

Make a unique contribution to others’ lives based on what makes you unique: your unique skills, experience and dreams. Your song within. We need that from you.

Be generous. Share. Your first question, “How do I best serve others?” not “What’s in it for me?”

Work. Have persistence. Don’t give up. Expect the world to be indifferent at first.

It ends just as it started: with and expression of gratitude.
“Thank you for being a part of my journey, for spreading the word, for supporting my work.”

Gratitude, love, harmony, beauty are the positive energies of the universe. Serve them and have faith.
Faith is always an adventure. . .

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