The 2024 Heron Dance Creativity Planner (Digital)

The Heron Dance Creativity Planner

Our planner helps creatives stay organized and focused.
It combines appointment setting (interconnected with your Google Or Apple Calendar), notes on areas to focus on, objectives, risks, and key skill building with an area for your Journal Notes.

It is available three ways:

By Supporting The Work Of Heron Dance

By Ordering The Nurturing The Song Within Diary Planner
(Print Edition - $49)

The Heron Dance 2024 Creativity Planner combines the best of a print planner and Google amd Apple Calendars. It is interactive — each day in the annual calendar page links to the corresponding daily page. The appointment times on the daily pages link to your Google or Apple calendar. There are monthly and weekly planning pages, all linked to your daily pages.

The Journal Notes section contains paintings and quotes selected for their insights on the creative process — both the creation of unique work and the creation of a unique life.

For $5 a month here.

A quick overview video of the creativity planner:

The Heron Dance Planner works on desktop (PC or Mac), or an iPad.

An intermediary software is required to use your planner on an iPad or computer. We recommend Goodnotes which costs $6.99 a year for the Windows/Android version, or $9.99 a year for the Apple version. Or, you can purchase a lifetime version for $29.99.

Your planner can be printed and used without Goodnotes or other intermediary program.

Fully Hyperlinked Digital Planner

Click on any day of the year and you are automatically taken to that day’s planner, with one page for appointments and one page for setting priorities.

Your month at a glance.

Page to set out overall goals and key
considerations for the month.

Weekly planning pages outline
the short term focus.

Key objectives, key considerations, objectives and risks.

Lots of room to plan individual days.

Plan your day from morning to evening, prioritizing 'Must Do,' 'Could Do,' and 'Should Do' tasks.

The Journal Notes Section:
Art and quotes to guide and inspire your creative process.

The Journal Notes section contains thirty images each accompanied by a thought-provoking quote by an artist, novelist, poet, filmmaker, etc, Each image is hyperlinked via an index page to the accompanying blank pages for your journaling.

Insert new blank pages as needed.


Links to open Google Calendar & iCal (Apple) from monthly, weekly & daily layouts.


Navigate effortlessly through your schedules, tasks, and notes with hyperlinked tabs and pages.


Included as a bonus when you support Heron Dance.