A Pause For Beauty
One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture,
and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.
- Goethe
. . .
Dancing Lessons From The Divine
I said to the almond tree
Sister, speak to me of God.
And the almond tree blossomed.
- Nikos Kazantzakis, Report To Greco

What others might dismiss as the vagaries of fate, my father interpreted as dancing lessons from the divine. Every step was part of a ballet too large for you to see it all, a provisional choreography perhaps not even intended, and the key was to move into its rhythms with both humility and boldness, never mistaking yourself for the director.
- James Baldwin, Blood Done Sign My Name
"The simple people of the Peruvian mountains have some things that we lack, that we could really learn from. They live in stone huts and burn llama dung at 17,000 feet, but they have a true community ‑‑ a common unity. They have evolved with the land and their surroundings and they honor that. . .With the very first rays of sun, in the near‑darkness, you hear the herders of the llamas and the alpacas whistle their beautiful songs. The two hundred animals fall silent and slowly sort themselves out. On their own, each goes to its herder. . .There is something very beautiful and gentle about the relationship of the people there to the land and to each other."
"The work I am doing right now ‑‑ if I wasn't operating in the universal dance, I couldn't do it. Because I don't know how to do it. . . A remarkable power came to me when I stopped striving to be 'good enough' and let go into the dance, and stopped trying to figure everything out and understand everything. That freedom to dance in the chaos has become an incredible gift to my life.
"When you let go of the separateness there is endless possibility. Working together ‑‑ folks, corporations, foundations, government agencies ‑‑ we can create a future that wouldn't happen otherwise. We have a choice as to the consciousness we go to. If we chose to act consciously together, we could shift the universal axis."
- Nancy "Rill" Bell, Vermont bear habitat protection activist. Heron Dance interview.
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