A Pause For Beauty
The conversation on Einstein's yacht
Make yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts. None of us knows what fairy palaces we might build of beautiful thoughts -- proof against all adversity. Bright fancies, satisfied memories, noble histories, faithful sayings, treasure houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care cannot disturb, nor pain make gloomy, nor poverty take away from us.
- John Ruskin
Butterfly Blue Green Yellow
The conversation (on Einstein's yacht) drifted from profundities about the nature of God, the universe and man, to lighter questions. Suddenly, Einstein lifted his head, looked up at the skies and said, "We know nothing about it at all. Our knowledge is but the knowledge of school children."
"Do you think that we shall ever probe the secret?"
"Possibly," Einstein said with a movement of his shoulders, "we shall know a little more than we do now. But the real nature of things -- that we shall never know, never."
- Chaim Tschernowitz, a friend of Einstein’s, as quoted by Ronald Clark
I asked Einstein, "Do you believe that absolutely everything can be expressed scientifically?”
“`Yes,” he replied, “it would be possible, but it would make no sense. It would be description without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as variations of wave pressure."
- Hedwig Born, wife of physicist Max Born, Quoted by Ronald Clark
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A draft of the newest chapter of my upcoming book,
Living a creative life involves an element of the sacred
the latest draft of the entire book:
Creating A Life Worth Living:
The Gentle Arts Of Living And Creating On Your Own Terms
There will be many revisions prior to publication, projected for November.