Creativity As A Way Of Life
Read every day something no one else is reading.
Think something no one else is thinking.
It is bad for the mind to be always a part of unanimity.
- Christopher Morley
. . .
Energy Expenditure Versus Results
When you do things from your soul,
you feel a river moving in you. A joy.
- Rumi

How would you describe the current stage of your life
In terms of energy expenditure versus results?
. . .
A sign that my life is on track, focused:
A small amount of energy expended produces a big result
A sign that it is out of focus, off track:
A big expenditure of energy produces a small result.
The two-page spread above is from the book I’m working on:
Sing Us The Song Only You Can Sing (preliminary notes here).
Creating A Life And Doing Creative Work On Your Own Terms
To access a version that is easier to read, you can download a PDF by clicking on the image above or by clicking here.
Travels With Ada Update.
More on my planned travels here.
Heron Dance holiday notecards
are now available here.
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Current Month Creativity Posits
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