Nurturing The Song Within

Man does indeed know intuitively more than he rationally understands. The question, however, is how we can gain access
to the potentials of knowledge contained in the depth of us, how we can achieve increased capacities of direct intuition and enlarged awareness.
- Ira Progoff,
At A Journal Workshop

I Have Always Liked Frogs

I have always liked frogs. I liked them before I ever took up zoology as a profession, and nothing I have ever had to learn about them since has marred the attachment. I like the looks of frogs, and their outlook, and especially the way they get together in wet places on warm nights and sing about sex. The music frogs make at night is a pleasant thing, full of optimism and inner meaning…
- Archie Carr, The Windward Road

Below two pages from the Nurturing The Song Within Art Journal and, below that, the Diary/Planner. The Art Journal is at the printer, and the diary, which will take less time to print, will go in the next few days.
You can order both

You can access downloadable PDFs of either by clicking on the image.