Nurturing The Song Within

Man does indeed know intuitively more than he rationally understands. The question, however, is how we can gain access
to the potentials of knowledge contained in the depth of us, how we can achieve increased capacities of direct intuition and enlarged awareness.
- Ira Progoff,
At A Journal Workshop

The Journey Itself Is Home

A journal chronicles a journey
And the journey itself is home.
The journey in search of a deeper awareness
The source within
The source of healing, strength, wisdom, peace.
An inner journey that is not abandoned
Is its own triumph, its own  work of art.
The journey itself is home.

For your journal:

Are you on a journey? If yes, describe it.
Is it an inner journey, or an outer journey? 
If both, describe the difference between the two. And describe the conflicts, if any, between the two.

Thank you to all who offered feedback on the proposed format change (less words accompanying the art).

The response ratio was about four in favor of shorter, to one ambivalent (do whatever I think) to one that preferred the current format with more words. I thought I’d offer one more example of what I have in mind. Any additional feedback is welcome and appreciated, either here on Substack or by emailing me directly

Below, the page from the new Art Journal that the above is taken from. What I plan to do is take my longer writing and quotes, and condense them into as few words as I think sum up the idea or reflection and accompany that with a journal prompt.

Below that is the page from the Diary/Planner designed to work with the Art Journal, although the two can be purchased separately and can be used independently.

The supporters of my work get these almost every day, so that’s an additional consideration. People who receive these once or twice a week may find them less burdensome or intimidating than those that receive them four or more times a week. Unless there is a response very different from that described above, I’ll begin posting less words with tomorrow’s Nurturing The Song Within.

. . .

Below, one section from the Heron Dance art journal, Nurturing The Song Within and one from the diary/planner.
You can order
There are now a couple of payment options including four equal monthly installments.

You can download a PDF of either two-page spread below by clicking on the image. It does take a few seconds to download and gain resolution.