Art & words

That celebrate the beauty and mystery of creation

And the creative journey.

I didn't trust it for a moment but I drank it anyway
The wine of my own poetry
It gave me the daring
to take hold of the darkness
and tear it into little pieces.  
     - Lalla Ded, woman poet of 14th century India. 

. . .

A road opened up
I took it. 
Down some dark stairways into myself
In search of the sun. 
What was supposed to happen, didn’t, 
And wasn’t supposed to, did.
Find the gentle person inside 
Nurture that  
Nurture the one who goes with the flow
Flows with the go. 

Approach your work with a receptive humility. 
Don’t think you know what is going on. 
You don’t know how things are supposed to be.
     - Journal note.

. . .

Access other recent Art Journal posts, and books, poetry diary etc. from the prior twenty years of Heron Dance here.