A Pause for Beauty:
One artist’s journal.
Ma Bohème
I have always known
That at last I would
Take this road, but yesterday
I did not know that it would be today.
- NarithtraThe road stretches out before me. I know I will encounter obstacles.
The path will sometimes appear circuitous, or worse, perilous.
I have fears.
But still, I go.
- Joseph Dispenza, The Way of the Traveler. . .
I’ve traveled thousands of miles to interview people and gain insight into the wisdom at the base of their lives. In the process, I learned that the wisdom I sought was inside myself, but I lacked the confidence to build my life around that wisdom. I interviewed people hoping that they would say what I’d learned to be true.
I sought beauty on the other side of the country, but also found it on a long walk in the woods outside my back door.
Stillness when surrounded by chaos is inner power. Your inner stillness is more powerful than the outer chaos. We are surrounded by chaotic distraction. Carry your stillness within you. Hold a cherished place in your life for silence and meditation.
Tune into your inner life. Live in harmony with it. Generate that unique power that comes from the harmony, peace and quiet.
I went off with fists in my torn pockets;
My coat was completely threadbare.
I followed you, Muse, where you led me,
Dreamed of loves—ah—so fine and so rare.
- Rimbaud, from the poem Ma Bohème