Always there are more questions. The answers live deep inside the questions.
The ocean within you is the universal reality or essence that dwells within all beings. . . Discovering this ocean is vitally important for the discovery of balance because it provides a place of peace for you to return home to despite all the chaos of the day.
- Joel and Michelle Levey, Living in Balance
There is a Voice inside you. There is a Voice inside everyone. Whether you hear it or not, the Voice is there. Whether you acknowledge it or not, the Voice is there. Whether you ask for help or ignore its guidance, the Voice is still there. Waiting. It is waiting for you to stop, if just for a moment, and listen. The Voice is always there, guiding you, encouraging you, loving you. . . pick up your pen and penetrate the thin wall of consciousness that keeps you apart. . . Once you start asking for more you will start receiving more: more ideas, more intuition, more inspiration, more wisdom, more opportunities, more challenges, and more questions. Always, there are more questions. The answers live deep inside the questions.
- Janet Conner, writing down your soul
Your inner world guides you without you knowing it. Our thought patterns determine the quality of our lives. That inner process works at the depth of each of us carrying the meaning that has been trying to establish itself in our existence. It embodies the potential of who we are or can be when our life expresses itself as a whole.
Silence helps. A sign of balance is a comfort with silence, both silence within, and silence without.
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Does silence play a large enough role in your life?
The new art journal, Nurturing The Song Within, and the related diary / planner should be mailed in about a week.
These are designed to be important tools on your creative journey.
You can order both here.
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Join Heron Dancers for an exploration of subjects related to creative work each Sunday at 7pm Eastern. More here.