Why I Prefer Credit Cards Over Checks

  • The Squarespace software automatically sends contributors the complimentary PDF of The Heron Dance Book Of Love And Gratitude.

  • I often lose checks that subscribers send. I set them aside to work on the art and writing then lose track of them and spend hours trying to find them.

  • I have to fill out a form to deposit them with the bank. I have a problem with forms. I often miss a key step and the bank rejects them and the checks go back and forth.

  • I travel a lot and checks follow me around the country until they get lost in the postage system.

  • I work alone and need to focus on the art and writing. For the same reason, and for your security, I prefer to not take credit card orders over the phone. All credit card processing is done entirely through Squarespace and Stripe. I don’t have access to card numbers. Everything is processed securely. They charge a lot in fees — PayPal is especially egregious — but the simplicity, the ability to concentrate on the work, is worth it.

I do appreciate all of the support people offer. Heron Dance couldn’t survive without it. But credit cards make it easier for me to create Heron Dance without a staff.

Of course if you don’t have a credit card, or don’t use a credit card online, checks are appreciated. And you may luck out — I may lose it, in which case it would never get cashed.

Support this work here. And thank you.

Cancelling Your Subscription

If you subscribed prior to April 9, 2023 and want to cancel your account and automatic payment, please email Rod at


I apologize for putting you through the inconvenience of that step but we changed software providers and no longer have direct access to the former accounts.

If you subscribed on or after April 9, you can cancel by logging in to your account. Then click on subscription scroll down, then click cancel subscription. Then click confirm.

If you have any problems with any of the above, please email Rod and we’ll take care of it.

And thank you for your past support!