Creativity is a descent into internal chaos in a search for peace.

Creativity is a descent into internal chaos in a search for peace. It is a search for that which is sacred inside – the kernel of truth under the obvious truth – the kernel of truth under the truth that later turns out to be false, to be emotion, self-deception, ego.

Creativity is a search for the tiny voice inside that we know has something important to say, but that is shy, reticent, buried under piles of garbage. Buried under piles of fear of embarrassment. Fear of failure. We all have that fear, no matter how commercially successful or unsuccessful we may be as artists.

When we can get down there underneath all that, and create out of that place, we enter a sacred realm. 

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Heron Dance Books

Creativity as a Way of Life: Journal Meditations of a Working Artist

This book has been rethought and conceived anew, with the following characteristics:

  • Twenty or so pages in the beginning exploring journaling techniques and tools, and their usefulness in creative work and creating a unique life.

  • The rest of the book will be abstract paintings with short inspirational thoughts and quotes on living as a creative outsider and doing creative work.

    Publication now anticipated in February or March.

There are still a few copies of the first edition of Nurturing the Song Within available. This is a premium art book with a Smyth-sewn lay flat binding printed by on high. quality art paper. It explores the inner work underlying creative work and the creation of a unique life.

Each day two-page spread includes a painting and journal notes on living a creative, meaningful life.

  • Hardcover first edition with dust jacket. $95 including shipping and taxes. Order here.

  • PDF $9.99 including tax. Order here.

  • More information here.

Below, two sample pages from my recent art journal, and the related diary/planner
Nurturing The Song Within

There are a few copies of the first edition (hardcover, dust jacket, premium art paper) still available. After they are sold out, we don’t plan to republish, at least in that format.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery.

Front cover, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.

Two interior pages, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.