A Pause For Beauty
One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture,
and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.
- Goethe
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Some paths give you energy.
To survive, our minds must taste redwood, and agate, octopi, bat, and in the bat's mouth, insect. It's hard to think like a planet, but we've got to try.
- James Bertolino, poet

I wrote in my journal last night:
There are many pathways in this life and it doesn't matter which one you take, for they all have a common destination, and that is the grave. But some paths give you energy and some take it away.
- Cervantes
As living entities, we have energy, are conduits of energy. Much of the key to a good life lies in finding ways to use your unique energy in such a way that it grows and multiplies.
On some paths, your energy will grow, on some dissipate.
Recognizing which is one of the key challenges of life. It’s not easy.
Much of what I write about involves understanding and navigating that challenge.
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I was saying last night to Sally, the wonderful friend I live with and share life with, that seventy-five percent of what I write about has to do with beauty and gratitude, but seventy-five percent of what I think about, read about, write about in my journals and the book I’m working on has to do with the mysterious nature of energy. Of life energy.
There are internal and external aspects to that. Internally, we generate energy from our relationship with our inner world. In that respect, our energy depends on our ability to nurture that relationship, to respect it and listen to it.
In an external sense, our energy searches for ways it can grow, multiply, replicate. Energy wants, seeks, conduits for its growth. Much of that has to do with creating, out of energy, something truly unique that adds to the lives of others. If you can do that, others will join you, will enhance, multiply your energy.
The way of nature is to seek growth. To blossom. To use energy to create energy.
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