A Pause for Beauty:
One artist’s journal.
The Song Within
When you become
a sheet of music without notes,
your song will sing you.
- John Squadra, This Ecstasy
Available original: Osprey Flight II
I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument while
the song I came to sing remains unsung.
- Rabindranath TagoreThere are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we
seem to see beyond the usual -- become clairvoyant. We reach then
into reality. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such
are the moments of our greatest vision... At such times there is a
song going on within us, a song to which we listen. It fills us with
surprise. We marvel at it. We would continue to hear it. But few are
capable of holding themselves in the state of listening to their
song. Intellectuality steps in and as the song within us is of the
utmost sensitiveness, it retires in the presence of the cold,
material intellect. It is aristocratic and will not associate itself
with the commonplace -- and we fall back and become our ordinary
selves. Yet we live in the memory of these songs which in moments of intellectual inadvertence have been possible to us.
- Robert Henri from The Art SpiritListen for the special music the song that nobody else can sing but you. . . Your own karma badly lived is better than someone else's karma lived well.
- Denise Shekerjian, Uncommon Genius
To honor one’s song
To have faith in one’s song
Is the challenge of a lifetime.
To dive down inside
Find, nurture, manifest that song inside.
That shy song that retires in the presence
Of the cold, material intellect.
The challenge of a lifetime.
Yes it’s shy, but it wants out.
I’ve often failed my song
Often fallen short.
Ignored it, hidden it away.
But still I’ve tried
And sometimes succeeded.
Moments of being really alive.
I start again now
Shut out the external noise
The clamor for attention.
The shallow notions of success.
To give all to my song.
Honor it, cherish it, nurture it.
Connect with it. My internal power.
Harmony with one’s internal song
Is the challenge of a lifetime.
Don’t give up again.