Nurturing The Song Within
A Working Artist’s Journal
There are no clear answers in the creator’s life
Hawk Thinking
(Available Original)
It is a search, a vision quest, for the state where the beauty and radiance within link up with the beauty and radiance of the natural world, of the universe.
- Joseph Campbell
I first interviewed Ethan Hubbard (author of First Light, Grandfather's Gift and other books) in the early 1990s. He said to me:
"I believe in the abundance of this planet. I don't want to speak too much about it because the more you think you know, the less the magic works. But I am a true believer that there is an abundance factor, either through angels or through karma."
The hero's journey may last a month, or it may last a lifetime, but whatever else it is, it is a step away from the life of relationships and "busyness" that squeeze out a relationship with oneself. As the myths and wisdom of many indigenous peoples have said, it is a search, a vision quest, for the state where the beauty and radiance within link up with the beauty and radiance of the natural world, of the universe. It is a journey into mystery because there are no clear answers in the creator's life. In fact, it is a search for a life, or at least a time, where the answers are few -- where wonder takes the place of answers and certainty.
- The Hero's Journey, edited and with an introduction by Phil Cousineau
There is a spiritual element, an element of magic, in Joseph Campbell's hero's journey. There is a sense though that while you can glimpse the magic, and often feel it, you cannot understand it. If you think you know what is really going on, you are probably mistaken. If you talk as if you know what is going on, the magic won't work. You approach the magic with humility not hubris. You surrender to the sacred path; the sacred path does not surrender to you. You must serve it before it will serve you.
Zoom meeting tomorrow evening, 7 pm eastern, hosted by Rod MacIver, founder of Heron Dance. We’ll explore the creative journey. More here.