The Truth of a Human Life is in The Contradictions

Painting: Crop from
It Was Time To Go And They All Left

(Acrylic Ink On Board)

December 27
Archibald Campbell in his journal

(Text from the images above in case they are difficult for you to read).

. . .

Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart
And try to love the questions themselves.
Live the questions now.
- Ranier Maria Rilke

The truth of a human life hangs out in the contradictions, the differences between what we believe and how we live. The differences between who we are and who we want to be. Truth lives there.

. . .What are the big contradictions of your life? Do they need to be addressed? Can they be safely ignored? The quality of a human life is affected by the questions we’re willing to explore.

Painting: Crop from
It Was Time To Go And They All Left

(Acrylic Ink On Board)

Heron Dance Books

A daily inspirational journal exploring the use of journaling in understanding one’s life, its potentials, dreams and uncertainties. The journal and planner can be used any time of year, but are dated to match the second quarter of the ultimate four quarter journal. Each new quarter a new art journal and planner will be published to total twelve months.

Each day two-page spread includes a painting and journal notes on living a creative, meaningful life.

The Art Journal and Planner are designed to be used together, but also to be useful if used separately.

  • You can order the hardcover first edition here.

  • PDF $9.99 including tax. Order here.

  • More information here.

Below, two sample pages from my recent art journal, and the related diary/planner
Nurturing The Song Within

There are a few copies of the first edition (hardcover, dust jacket, premium art paper) still available. After they are sold out, we don’t plan to republish, at least in that format.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of the first two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery. It is available now as a PDF, and in the next few days as a hardcover.

A mockup of two pages of the new book, Meditations on Gratitude, Beauty and Mystery.

Front cover, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.

Two interior pages, The Pausing For Beauty Poetry Diary. PDF and Softcover (Lay Flat, wire-o binding) versions available. Visit here.