A Pause for Beauty:

An Artist’s Journal

Waiting for a Vision

When you have to attend to things of that sort, to the mere incidents of the surface, the reality - the reality, I tell you - fades. The inner truth is hidden - luckily, luckily. But I felt it all the same; I felt often its mysterious stillness watching me...
- Joseph Conrad, from
Heart of Darkness

The underworld, the inner world, is its own boss. It comes and goes as it wishes. We need to serve it before it will serve us. It is shy, reticent and powerful.

Approach it with reverence, with humility. Ask for its guidance. Don't tell it what you want. It won't work if we try to impose on it our vision of success or our vision of the ideal outcome.

We meditate. We offer ourselves. Like ancient hunters in search of food for survival, we approach it with humility and receptiveness.

We listen. If it feels welcome, feels it has something to contribute over the cacophony of our lives, it says its piece. Often that comes in images and colors whose meaning is not readily apparent. The meaning will emerge over time.

So we wait. We don't impose or feel bad if nothing comes right away.

You can find the rest of the 2022 Pause For Beauty posts here.