What Image Symbolizes This Period Of Your Life?
What does that image have to tell you?
What does it want to tell you?
Penetrating so many secrets, we cease to believe in the unknowable. But there it sits, nevertheless, calmly licking its chops.
- H. L. Mencken
Our subconscious mind wants to help. It sits there waiting. It is reticent, shy. But it contains the accumulated wisdom of your life. It wants the best for you.
Sometimes it communicates in feelings. Fear. Emotion. Uneasiness.
Sometimes it communicates in images. It offers an abstract painting of vibrant colors, or a rainy scene on a downtown street from twenty years ago that began a dark period of your life.
Whatever it offers, it is trying to send you a message as a friend, based on its accumulated wisdom. Maybe it offers an image of a path not taken, but still open.
Sometimes that message is not what we want to hear.
Give it a chance to say what it wants to say.