Archibald Campbell, out for a moonlight stroll.

Journaling and Meditation in Action

The combination of journaling and meditation can provide insights important to the creation of the kind of life you want for yourself. To show what this looks like in action, we offer the journals of Archibald Campbell. In his journal, he writes about what it means to live a big life, a good life, a creative life. He has known success and failure, love and rejection, pleasure and deep pain. Now, at the age of eighty, he lives alone in the woods and reflects on lessons learned. His journals also draw from the journals, biographies and memoirs of others including artists, filmmakers, poets, novelists, searchers and seekers.

Journaling can help us understand the hidden currents underlying our lives, the myths that guide us without us knowing, or wanting, the wisdom right on the cusp of our consciousness, the perceptions that dream worlds offer and the messages that come bubbling up when we welcome them. They can help us confront the questions we’d rather avoid — questions important to living a quality life.

In an effort to probe deep, to explore the larger uncomfortable truths underneath the surface comfortable truths, to protect the guilty, this work is partly truth and partly fiction, and even I, the creator of Archibald, have trouble remembering which is which. Everything I do, even in art, is an effort to probe deep.

The free version is the same as the paid version. Paid Members also get access to the in-depth exploration of journaling tools and techniques, including art journaling. These books are published in both PDF and print format. Members get the PDFs free.

Paid members receive PDFs of everything published by Heron Dance in 2024 and later. These are provided in two formats:

  • Smaller file size, easy to download and in sufficient resolution to easily read.

  • Higher-resolution file so that you can print the pages you find most thought-provoking and incorporate those into your own journals. All of these books are printed 11 x 8.5 so can be easily accommodated on home printers.

    You can read more about these books here. The first draft of the introduction to the next book, which explores journaling tools and techniques, (Using an Art Journal to Probe Deep), can be viewed here.

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