Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on the mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: First and Second SeriesThe grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.
- John MuirThe sky is round, and the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for their religion is the same as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. . . Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.
- Black Elk SpeaksNothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and round and round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts.
- Jean Cocteau
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There is a linear way of thinking about life, of living life. Progress, growth, careers, wealth, technology — we constantly seek to improve on yesterday. We live in tomorrow. The American Dream is that tomorrow will be better than today. Then there is the other way of thinking about life — cycles, life and nature unfold in a circular way — the Earth goes round and round and never gets anywhere. We focus on the beauty of this present moment, live in gratitude for this day.
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The page above is from the first draft of a new book I’m working on:
Meditations On Nature: The Beauty Of Wild Places
Recent Projects And Random Thoughts
The 2024 Heron Dance Creativity Planner (Digital) with the Nurturing The Song Within Diary Planner (print edition).
The new art journal, Nurturing The Song Within, explores the inner work that underlies creative work, and creating a unique life.
Join Heron Dancers for a discussion of Rod’s book, Nurturing The Song Within and related poetry, art and philosophy each Sunday (tonight!) at 7pm Eastern.