Our longing guards our mystery.

Hawk Blue And White
(Available Original)

When things get ambiguous, it means you may be getting near the truth. When it’s really, really clear, you can be sure it is not the truth, but someone fooling themself. The truth is ambiguous, so when things feel really ambiguous, the chances are you are getting close to the truth -- which is ambiguous, which was meant to be ambiguous.

     - Webster Kitchell, God’s Dog

. . .

The deep, important journeys of life involve endless mystery. The source of the cohesive disequilibrium of the universe — the disharmonies that combine to create harmony, the depths of our inner worlds and the hidden belief systems and mythologies, unique to each of us, that guide our lives without us knowing it, the beauty of the natural world and its continual search for balance though infinite little deviations into disequilibrium, and the search, individual to each of us, for the courage to manifest the beauty within, to evolve, to change. And the somewhat contradictory search for inner peace. We search for harmony with our inner world, and sometimes find it, then, once again, lose it. And then of course the ultimate mystery of death and the implications of that mystery on the true nature of life. On living a big life.

These are all, on one level or another, creative endeavors.

Our longing guards our mystery.

. . .

I’m working on a couple of different books the page above might fit in:

•     Journaling — Coming To Terms With The Seed That Seeks To Manifest
•     Life As Daring Adventure; Life As Journey — The Journey Itself Is Home

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