Outward work, inward work.
The outward work will never be puny if the inward work is great.
- Meister Eckhart
A lot of the required inner work involves courage and consistency.
The courage to pursue a dream.
Then the consistency to persist through the dark times, the times of rejection and indifference.
But first, most importantly, is the objective. Is it worthy? Is it unique just as you are unique? Does it contribute something important to other people’s lives?
Then persistence. Then courage. Then consistency.
Heron Dance has just published a 2024 Heron Dance Creativity Planner. It helps creatives stay organized and focused and is available for $5 a month, or by supporting this work in any greater amount and also available as part of the Nurturing The Song Within Diary Planner (print edition).
You can read about the new Creativity Planner here.
The new art journal, Nurturing The Song Within, explores the inner work that underlies creative work, and creating a unique life. It can be ordered here.
Join Heron Dancers for a discussion of Rod’s book, Nurturing The Song Within and related poetry, art and philosophy each Sunday at 7pm Eastern. More here.
Visit here for a behind-the-scenes look at what is going on at Heron Dance, and an update on current projects and on current thinking.